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Monday, May 7, 2012

The Story of a guy I named Napoleon

There is this guy at work that looks EXACTLY like Napoleon Dynomite.  So from here on out, when i talk about him I call him napoleon to anyone around me so word can not get back to him.

OK so we will say that this is him.  You bring up anything and he sounds JUST liek this Actor in the movie role. Actually to make matters worse, i think he has a photo of himself in his phone  and he dressed up like Napolean last year fro Halloween.  It was such a hit he apparently will show anyone the photo who asks.  This guy knows he looks like him and will be more than happy to sound liek a droned talker.

He's more like a grammar natzi as well.  One time he called our work and i answered the phone. He said Can I speak to ____?  I was like "Yes this is her". His comment to mine was, "It should be "This is SHE, not this is her". Oh my goodness I wanted to yell but i held my breath.  Somethings you just keep to yourself.

Well when i first started this job he mentioned his chair was lopsided and the wheels were square. Well about two weeks ago i foudn out a few other employees had switched his good chair for a bad one downstairs. He continues to use the bad chair thinking that he now has a good chair, but unbeknowest to him, a few other associates have switched the chair out. LOL. No one has told him yet. We are thinking of telling him in a few months. The longer he continues to belittle everyone to longer we will keep this a secret between us all.

Now, even though he is a hard ass he is a very guilible guy.  One time another associate asked me to write him an e-mail depicting that his "boss" of sorts needed him to type out a document for him and send it to his e-mail. So this associate wrote down a bunch of useless nonsense and gave it to him to type. So after about an hour we think he realized it may have been fake, so we got his boss involved.  We had him calling in asking for the deadline to be moved to certain timeframes of the day. After about 4 hours his boss couldn't take it anymore and finally told him it was a joke.  It was sooo funny, but the thing is after he found out it was a joke he started pouting around the office like a child....  :(

Anyways.. Napolean is a person trying to be funny or friendly for the matter but just comes across as rude and unapproachable.
I should write more tomorrow.

Take care!