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Friday, April 8, 2011

Dodgers Baseball Violence at Home opener game

I Must talk about a touchy subject here. I have been Sports Center lately to catch up on my "Fantasy Baseball" League. Lately everythign I see is about the violence created at the Dodgers home baseball opener game. When i guess near the end of the game two men were seen beating up a 45 yr old man, father of two, in the parking lot outside of Dodgers Stadium. This  man was taken to the hospital where he was lsited as Critical condition and on life support. These two other men where are they? they are probably out galavanting keepgin it low for the moment and acting like nothing is happening in their world. While this man is fighting for his life.
   Good thing this morning the hospital listed the man in Stable condition with problems in his brain functions and other bodily injuries. The police have a $150,000 (and growing) reward for the two men that have beaten up the other fan in the parking lot. NOW, which of these two men have talked and mentioned SOMETHING to another friend that needs money REALLY bad?  i think that is what it is goign to take for someone to turn these two men in.  Either that or the guilt will eat at them with all the news reports and make them craxy till they turn themselves in, in hopes that they will get a lesser sentence in jail. Which in fact i'm sure they will get let's say 7 years and then they will be out in about 6 months from their sentencing because they have GOOD behavior and probably reclaimed their life to Jesus and have been baptised while in jail.... SMH... i've seen stories like this come and go and well it makes me sick to think what these men MAY get. But if they have enough money to get a good lawyer then they will be fine and the man that is in the hospital, his family will sit in the background while people are fighting to have these men be JUSTIFIED!

Will it ever happen? I doubt it. The justice system is not justified and shoot, look at the government!!!  that alone is another subject but if they can not figure something out then i'm sure 800,000 people will lose their jobs by friday.  YES FRIDAY... you heard me? YES I SAID FRIDAY.  what a great way to lose a job huh? and hear i am TRYING to get a job. pretty soon a degree will mean nothing to anyone. and they will start to hire those with less experience because they can train them and pay them less. To me that would be the smarter idea in the long run.  look at it this way.  If you can pay someone $8 an hour than $12 an hour you'd do it, even if you have to train them for the first two weeks. it'll be worth it.

OK so i got a bit off subject. but i'll keep you informed of the turn around from the beating at Dodgers Stadium. OH and to top it off I'm a BIG TIME METS FAN  :)  <3 

One <3

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Softer Side of me

I feel like i've been falling from heaven
But you were there to catch me from hitting the ground
times where i've faltered,  times i was lost
 times where i've swam and times where i've drowned.
Not that i'm needy, but more feeling of being
Now baby, you made me feel, yes,  i've been found.

You bring me back to reality,
More than just living the dream
no one understands me
life is more than what it seems.
The way you stare at me with your eyes
making me feel so secure
taking all my fears away, and never letting me cry

This is the softer side of me
a place where no one goes
a place that no one knows
There are places i often run to
none of which have been good
back and forth, full of nonsense
full of noise, anger and fear
nothing but you now. Nothing but us
finding out more than tomorrow
for a better future then what was.

Often I feel like there waas nothing for me
yet you always make me feel like i'm more than that.
There is a softer side you have been shown
The softer side of me.
This is me.
Your Angel,
Set free.. This is the Softer side of me.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brother Husband's Part 2

OK... So I asked my FB friends to give me 5 qualities that would love for EACH of their "Brother Husbands" to have. (Well that is if they had a way to pick 5 men to live with them like the poligamists of the Sister Wives that we see on TV these days.

First Off the girl would have to Legally MARRY one of these men. He doesn't have to be perfect but at least possess ONE of the qualities she is looking for.

The other 4 men must agree to the fact that she is married to that ONE but she will treat them all the same. Then they must also understand that the house will have rules so that each man can have their time with her on a much needed basis.

 ONE MAIN THING *** AT least 7 days out of the month the woman MUST be left alone during her cycle****

OK .. On the the MAIN qualities of 5 men. (they don't have to be perfect, but combined they would be)

Nunmber 1: Must be sentimental. Not on the crying pont, but he has to understand the needs of a woman and not demean her in any way.

Number 2:  He Must be smart. A good college education is a must. (In a perferable background of her choice)

Number 3: He must be good with tools. So if something breaks he can fix it. WHo would want a man that knows nothing about fixing things especially if using tools.?

Number 4: He must be good in bed. Size does not really matter, but being able to make her satisfied in bed would be a GREAT PLUS.

Number 5: He need to be clean. As in a metrosexual. A man that knows how to look good will make her feel good.

Now those are the qualities that ONE of each man should have. I guess the "Numbers" could be their names for now. and I'll go into further detail about what each number should be and how they should act. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

So the WORLD is going to end.....??? Ugh Enough Already..

Ok I must share with you all a comment one of my friends made on her FaceBook page.
"On 9-11-01 a lot of people lost their lives. On 3-10-11 a lot of people lost their lives . Add the dates and what do you get 12-21-2012 . Now i dont buY into this 2012 stuff but i will say this is crazy."

Why Oh Why, do people talk about things like this? Do we understand the complexities of the Earth finally comming to a hault and people dying ALL IN ONE DAY? I guess the dinosaurs Died in an Atomic Bomb explosion and it took ONE DAY? NOOOooo. Dying is a process, it would take more than one day for anything to die. For instance.. My boyfriend and i were talking about this (actually this morning, it was more of him rambling and me listening, but it was very informative though, so just listen) mere fact when he brought up the fact that the dinosaurs were killed off not in one day but over time. HOW? well a Meteor had struck the Earth which is known to be in New Mexico, or Mexico,( i forgot which one he said) which when it hit created a large dust mass which was then sucked up into the atmosphere.  During this time the Earth was covered in a big dust ball so to speak and they were, in turn, breathing in these nuclear dust particals.  Some died from just breathing in the toxic particals, others died afterwards. But how? Well the dust had to settle after the fact, and when it did it landed on the grounds in which they walked and landed on the herbovores food source; plants. When they would eat they would die off and the carnivores would eat from them and die from eating, what is now, contaminated foof source.  Then my boyfriend made an interesting point. he stated "Cut out the Food and Water source and everything will die".  Well we have the Nuclear powerplants in Japan leaking those toxic chemicals int he Pacific Ocean. it is only a matter of time until those chemicals reach the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and contaminate our drinking and water supplies.

   I'm sure if it gets that bad we'll find some WAY to gather our water and or find a different way to clean the water to make it to where we can drink it. Ya know?

BUt on to my friends comment.... the world is nto going to dissapate in ONE DAY. it'll happen over time. The ONLY way I see it happenign in one day, (not to get all Religious on you) is when the Lord Comes upon his Golden chariot and takes us back up to Heaven with him.... THAT is the ONLY WAY I see anything happeneing in ONE day.

   But as for the friends comment... I replyed "Can you believe that if you add 2+ 2+ 2 You will get 6!!!"  I know.. I'm actually PRETTY DARN SMART.. if i don't say so myself  :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Huh? Sister Wives? Next we'll have Brothers Husbands.....SMH....

Nevermind... I Spoke to soon....
Brothers Husband, It seems as though someone has already thought of this wonderful idea to have themselves a "Brothers husband" which I guess would be equal to a Sister Wife?  One thing i wonder... What is so difficult to having just a NORMAL relationship with just a man and a woman?  Or even married to a MAN and a Woman?

OK OK... to humor all of you i have actually found an Episode "Parody" called Brothers Husband. If you have seen clips of this Sister Wives stuff then you'll think this "Brothers Husband" is Amazingly funny and deserves to be shown on TV for just the funny nature of it all.
Amuze yourself now...  LOL A parody of Brothers Husband

Of course I asked this same question on my Facebook account and got mad replies there...
Catch ya later..