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Friday, April 8, 2011

Dodgers Baseball Violence at Home opener game

I Must talk about a touchy subject here. I have been Sports Center lately to catch up on my "Fantasy Baseball" League. Lately everythign I see is about the violence created at the Dodgers home baseball opener game. When i guess near the end of the game two men were seen beating up a 45 yr old man, father of two, in the parking lot outside of Dodgers Stadium. This  man was taken to the hospital where he was lsited as Critical condition and on life support. These two other men where are they? they are probably out galavanting keepgin it low for the moment and acting like nothing is happening in their world. While this man is fighting for his life.
   Good thing this morning the hospital listed the man in Stable condition with problems in his brain functions and other bodily injuries. The police have a $150,000 (and growing) reward for the two men that have beaten up the other fan in the parking lot. NOW, which of these two men have talked and mentioned SOMETHING to another friend that needs money REALLY bad?  i think that is what it is goign to take for someone to turn these two men in.  Either that or the guilt will eat at them with all the news reports and make them craxy till they turn themselves in, in hopes that they will get a lesser sentence in jail. Which in fact i'm sure they will get let's say 7 years and then they will be out in about 6 months from their sentencing because they have GOOD behavior and probably reclaimed their life to Jesus and have been baptised while in jail.... SMH... i've seen stories like this come and go and well it makes me sick to think what these men MAY get. But if they have enough money to get a good lawyer then they will be fine and the man that is in the hospital, his family will sit in the background while people are fighting to have these men be JUSTIFIED!

Will it ever happen? I doubt it. The justice system is not justified and shoot, look at the government!!!  that alone is another subject but if they can not figure something out then i'm sure 800,000 people will lose their jobs by friday.  YES FRIDAY... you heard me? YES I SAID FRIDAY.  what a great way to lose a job huh? and hear i am TRYING to get a job. pretty soon a degree will mean nothing to anyone. and they will start to hire those with less experience because they can train them and pay them less. To me that would be the smarter idea in the long run.  look at it this way.  If you can pay someone $8 an hour than $12 an hour you'd do it, even if you have to train them for the first two weeks. it'll be worth it.

OK so i got a bit off subject. but i'll keep you informed of the turn around from the beating at Dodgers Stadium. OH and to top it off I'm a BIG TIME METS FAN  :)  <3 

One <3

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