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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brother Husband's Part 2

OK... So I asked my FB friends to give me 5 qualities that would love for EACH of their "Brother Husbands" to have. (Well that is if they had a way to pick 5 men to live with them like the poligamists of the Sister Wives that we see on TV these days.

First Off the girl would have to Legally MARRY one of these men. He doesn't have to be perfect but at least possess ONE of the qualities she is looking for.

The other 4 men must agree to the fact that she is married to that ONE but she will treat them all the same. Then they must also understand that the house will have rules so that each man can have their time with her on a much needed basis.

 ONE MAIN THING *** AT least 7 days out of the month the woman MUST be left alone during her cycle****

OK .. On the the MAIN qualities of 5 men. (they don't have to be perfect, but combined they would be)

Nunmber 1: Must be sentimental. Not on the crying pont, but he has to understand the needs of a woman and not demean her in any way.

Number 2:  He Must be smart. A good college education is a must. (In a perferable background of her choice)

Number 3: He must be good with tools. So if something breaks he can fix it. WHo would want a man that knows nothing about fixing things especially if using tools.?

Number 4: He must be good in bed. Size does not really matter, but being able to make her satisfied in bed would be a GREAT PLUS.

Number 5: He need to be clean. As in a metrosexual. A man that knows how to look good will make her feel good.

Now those are the qualities that ONE of each man should have. I guess the "Numbers" could be their names for now. and I'll go into further detail about what each number should be and how they should act. :)

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